Sunday, March 25, 2007

Furniture slides now on e-Reserve

We have scanned the furniture slides held in the library onto e-Reserve. This means that the slides can now be accessed from home or any computer with internet access. You can access it to show your classes by the usual laptop and data-projector combination rather than having to use the slide carousel. The titles are as following:-

Appreciation of furniture. Part 1, From earliest times to the 15 century
Appreciation of furniture. Part 2, 15th & 16th centuries
Appreciation of furniture. Part 3, The 17th century
Appreciation of furniture. Part 4, The 18th century
Appreciation of furniture. Part 5, Recent times
Appreciation of furniture. Part 6, Modern furniture
English period furniture. Part 1, Gothic to Jacobean
English period furniture. Part 2, Restoration to Queen Anne
English period furniture. Part 3, Georgian designers
Furniture : the development of Western styles
Upholstery practices : deep buttoning

Have a look at e-reserve by going through the library website (Internet library e-reserve) or by following this link to the login page ""

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